Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Mattie's 10th Birthday

I always give the kids a choice of either getting a nice gift for their Birthday or having a nice party so Mattie of course chose a nice gift this year - a new iPod Touch. I felt bad she wasn't going to have a party so I told her she could have a friend or two spend the night and they could do crafts - well, that turned into having 7 girls stay over! She kept adding friends and said she couldn't have one and not the other. It went pretty well - I took them to see the Jolly Holiday Lights at Water Works Park and then to Michael's to pick out a couple crafts to do later in the night. We had a couple disagreements and a couple hurt feelings but overall it wasn't too bad. I told her next year she is only allowed to have 2 girls stay over - it's hard to keep that many girls happy! Ha We also had family over before her friends showed up!


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