Friday, October 26, 2012

Kobe Man!

We had some family over for Matt's Birthday last weekend but before we did that Kobe came over to play with his cousins for a couple hours. He was such a good boy and pretty hilarious. At one point he had a fake hammer and a paint brush in each of his hands acting like he was painting the floor of the garage :) Then he would spin around and laugh!! Him and Ry ran around the yard together and he thought it was pretty cool when cousin Ry would run and slide on the grass. Mommy on the other hand wasn't thrilled about this since he got grass stains on his new pants :( Mattie of course had to carry him around and show him off to the neighbor kids - they just adore him!! Oh, and then he rode on Ryan's play garbage truck with only a diaper and shirt on! Ha

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