Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Trick or Treat

We had a great time during Beggar's Night last night - Mattie dressed up as a Skater Girl and Ryan was a Firefighter. Sometimes his outfit glowed so bright that you couldn't see him in the photos! Ha A few of Mattie's neighbor friends joined us which was fun :) It ended up getting cold once it got dark but the kids didn't seem to mind at all. They both got a ton of candy which they had to count as soon as they got home - they each ended up with well over 100 pieces.


I bought the kids some stick on faces for their pumpkins this year - Mattie's looks like a leprechaun/witch and Ryan's is a pirate.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Center Grove Apple Orchard

Matt and I took the kiddos to the Center Grove Apple Orchard last Sunday morning - it was a beautiful day to go! It was little chilly in the morning but warmed up quickly. This was our first time trying out Center Grove and we really enjoyed it. They had a lot of activities for the kids to do - a giant bouncy pillow to bounce on, a giant slide, hayrack rides, animals to feed, etc. Ryan was a little nervous to go down the big slide so Matt and I went down with them the first time - he really enjoyed it :)

Friday, October 26, 2012

Kobe Man!

We had some family over for Matt's Birthday last weekend but before we did that Kobe came over to play with his cousins for a couple hours. He was such a good boy and pretty hilarious. At one point he had a fake hammer and a paint brush in each of his hands acting like he was painting the floor of the garage :) Then he would spin around and laugh!! Him and Ry ran around the yard together and he thought it was pretty cool when cousin Ry would run and slide on the grass. Mommy on the other hand wasn't thrilled about this since he got grass stains on his new pants :( Mattie of course had to carry him around and show him off to the neighbor kids - they just adore him!! Oh, and then he rode on Ryan's play garbage truck with only a diaper and shirt on! Ha

Friday, October 19, 2012

Matt's 31st Birthday!

We took Matt to PF Changs the other night for his 31st Birthday. Luke, Brooke and Kobe man met us there and we had a pretty good time! When we got home the kids wanted him to open his presents and then eat the Cookie Cake we had made for him. We got him a new batting tee since the one he had broke. We also got him some new cologne.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Mattie's 4th Grade Fall Party

I am homeroom parent for Mattie's 4th Grade class this year so I was one of the parents in charge of the Fall Party. Mattie loves when I come to her parties so I've never missed one!! We had the kids decorate Halloween eye masks, played pin the hat on the witch and then gave the kids a treat to eat and a goodie bag to take home. The kids enjoyed the activites and snacks!!

My Kiddos!

I haven't posted any pictures of the kids lately so thought I would post a couple miscellaneous pictures of them! Here's one of Mattie enjoying her decaf! frappacino one morning and Ry driving her around in his car. The other one is of the kids waving to daddy in the morning as he heads off to work - they wave to him almost every morning.