Thursday, September 10, 2009

Okoboji Summer '09

So I know I haven't written anything for a long time but I am definitely going to keep this up to date now...I promise :)
Anyways, these are some pictures of us on our second trip to Okoboji this summer. We had a great time and the weather was absolutely beautiful. Shawn and Virginia bought a boat. We went on the new nature walk near their house which is filled with giant wooden was really cool. Mattie is pretending to be chased in one of the photos-that was Papa's idea!! We also celebrated Shawn, Larry and Ellie's birthdays while we were there and had a fish fry. Busy, busy. Mattie loved spending time with cousin Ellie and Ryan had a fun time making mom run after him.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi. Cute pictures.