Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Mattie's Classroom Valentine Party

I attended Mattie's Valentine Party at school a couple weeks ago to help with the activities. They made really neat banners that they were able to take home and put up in their room if they wanted. They had already decorated their Valentine bags but finally got to dig into them to see what was inside :)


We had my sister, Luke and Kobe over for dinner last Sunday and of course the kids were so excited to get to play together. Kobe is just amazed at Mattie and loves when she takes of him. Him and Ryan got into a small wrestling match and it was pretty close :)

Friday, February 3, 2012

Father/Daughter Valentine Dance

Matt took Madalynn to the Father/Daughter Valentine Dance in Ankeny last night! She was so excited to have her daddy take her to a dance :) They said they had a BLAST!! All the girls received a rose and then they got their pictures taken too.

They both looked amazing!! Mattie said they boogied on the dance floor and saw quite a few of her friends too.