Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Ryan's 4th Birthday Party!!!

We had the family over this past Sunday to celebrate Ryan's 4th Birthday. Ryan was very excited for his party and asked all day long when everyone was coming over :) He got some very nice gifts - nice clothes, a new hat/mittens, shoes, cars, books, a Leapster Leappad AND a new toothbrush! The only thing Ryan said he wanted for his birthday this year was a new toothbrush??!!! He even opened it up and started brushing his teeth :)

Matt and I decided to give him his Toy Story scooter on Sunday instead of waiting until his actual birthday. We told him he had to close his eyes while Mattie went to get it and when he saw it he thought it was the neatest thing. He cruised around the house for a bit and even took it outside!