Monday, October 31, 2011

Halloween 2011

The kids had a great time trick-or-treating last night! Mattie dressed up as a Leopard and Ryan was 'Dash' from 'The Incredibles' movie :) They were so cute! Ryan was definitely not shy this year and always seemed to be the first one up to the door out of the kids. He would yell 'Trick or Treat' as soon as the person opened the door and would occasionally say 'Sand-witch', which was part of Mattie's joke. Lol

Mattie told her joke most of the time which everyone thought was pretty cute :) They were surprised that she actually told one since most kids don't tell jokes anymore. Ryan went home a little early with Matt so I stayed out for awhile with Mattie and her friend. When we got home Mattie counted her candy and said she had 179 pieces! That better last a LONG time.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Matt's 30th Surprise Party!!

We celebrated Matt's 30th Birthday by throwing him a surprise party at Azteca Restaurant in Pleasant Hill this past weekend. He went golfing with his dad and brother all day so they brought him to the restaurant when they finished. When he walked in he only saw the kids and I but as he got closer everyone yelled 'Surprise'...he was so shocked :) After dinner Matt's parents took the kids to their house so Matt and I went downtown with our friends. We had a fun time!!!!


Monday, October 17, 2011

Mattie's Fall Party at School

Mattie's classroom party was last Friday so I left work early to help out and have some fun! First, the kids did some sand art. Then we took them to the gym for an obstacle course that involved dressing up like a scarecrow and pushing a ball with a broom around some cones, taking some bird feed from one container to another and then bobbing for apples. It was so fun watching them!!! From there the kids went back to the classroom for cookies and treats!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Family Photos

We finally had our family photos taken this past weekend at Water Works Park with Jamie Barry. She is good friends with my friend Leah so when I saw how good their family photos turned out I contacted her to do ours. She was so patient with Ryan who was a little stinker to begin with :) It took him a little while to warm up to her but once he did all was good!! Mattie was hilarious in front of the camera...she acted like she was a model and it was her private photo shoot:)

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

The kiddos with Cousin Kobe

We went over to Luke and Brooke's new home the other is so beautiful!! Mattie and Ryan had so much fun playing with cousin Kobe. They tend to fight over who is going to hold him first :)

Mattie and those 'Feathers'

I took Mattie and her friend Madisyn to the mall the other weekend to get a feather put in their hair. They are pretty neat...I must admit :) They both decided on the blue and black one and now Mattie wants another one put in! I'm sure she'll have several before the year is up!!