Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Grandma's House/Cousin Kobe

My Grandma Charlene and Grandma Bryant had my sister and I over for our Birthdays so we were able to get some cute pictures of the kiddos together. The kids love spending time with 'Kobe Man'! Mattie tries to hold him a lot but he just wants to crawl and doesn't like to be held very much. Ryan tends to be a little rough with him but loves him to pieces! We try to explain to him that he is a lot bigger than Kobe so he has to be careful with him. He calls Aunt B up all the time and says 'Can I talk to Kobe Man?''s the cutest thing.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Mattie's First Day of School

Mattie started Third Grade yesterday!! I cannot believe it!!! She was really excited to go back to school and see all of her friends again. She got Mrs.Gomez as her teacher and she seems very nice! Their school got a new gymnasium and cafeteria so she enjoyed that as well.