Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Mattie's Dance Recital

Mattie also had her dance recital this past weekend! Again, she did such a wonderful job...We are sooooooo proud of her :)!!


Mattie's Piano Recital

Mattie had her second piano recital this past weekend. She did an amazing job!! I am going to work on uploading the video of her performance to this very soon :) She had a lot of family come and support her too!!

Memorial Weekend In Okoboji

We went up to Okoboji for Memorial weekend and had a really fun time. Mattie went up a day early with Shawn and Virginia which she thought was pretty neat because she got the spare bedroom all to herself :) We had pretty nice weather while we were there too. We went boating a couple of times, fishing and shopped at the Emporium and Arnold's Park. We plan to head up again for the 4th of July :)

Field Trip to the Zoo

Mattie asked me to help chaperone her field trip to the Zoo so I decided to take Ryan along. Shawn also came to help out and spend time with Mattie and Ryan. We had a fun time and afterwards we went to the park outside of the Zoo for lunch and to let the kids play on the playground.

Easter 2011

We had a fun time during Easter this year. We went to church, went over to Tammy's with the Constable's, had my mom over and then went over to Nadine's with the Skinner's! Very busy day but we enjoyed spending time with everyone.

The kiddos got new bikes from the Easter Bunny and what a pleasant suprise :) They wanted to take them right outside and ride them!!