Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Ryan's 3rd Birthday Party!!!

I can't believe Ryan is 3 years old! We had his birthday party last weekend and had a lot of family and friends over. His theme was Toy Story 3. He got a lot of new clothes, toys and books. We had some good laughs while Ryan tried on every outfit he opened :) I've never seen a child get so excited over clothes!!!

Monday, November 1, 2010


Last weekend was Beggar's Night so Matt and I took the kiddos trick-or-treating around our neighborhood. Madalynn and her good friend Madisyn were both Wonder Woman :) Ryan was Spiderman. Madalynn was such a good helper with Ry. Once he got the hang of it he would run to the next house screaming trick-or-treat and then most of the time remembered to say 'Thank-You' :) Matt took him home a little early since it was pretty chilly and I stayed out for the remainder of the time with Mattie and her friend. Her bucket of candy was overflowing by 8 p.m.!!