Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Mattie starts Second Grade!!

Mattie had a great first day of school today. She was so excited to see all of her friends from last year. I forgot to get a picture of her with her teacher this morning so I had to take one of her and Mrs. Wilson after school. Mattie says she is very nice. As we were walking to my car after school she saw her school bus and decided she wanted to ride the bus home so I followed the bus!! :) She was so excited because she said now that she is in the second grade that she can sit anywhere she wants at lunch :)

Birthday Outing with Grandma Char

My Grandma Charlene took my sister and I and the kids out to lunch for our birthdays. We went to Coach's Pizza which is in West Glen. The pizza was really good!

Iowa Cubs Game

We had another fun year at the Iowa Cubs game for FMH day. Brooke and Luke met us there and we had a lot of fun tailgating before the game. When the game started we took the kids to the upper level where Mattie and her friend played tag and Ryan found a little friend to play with.

Ankeny Kiddie Parade

The kids participated in the Kiddie Parade this year. Mattie rode her bike in the front of the parade with her friend Madisyn and Ryan rode in the wagon. It was a pretty short parade and we didn't think to bring candy to throw out but we will be more prepared next year :)

July 4th in Okoboji

We had a good time in Okoboji over the 4th! A lot of Matt's family was still up there. The kids had a lot of fun taking the boat out. Our next trip there will be over Labor Day weekend.