Sunday, May 16, 2010

Like Father Like Son

Ryan wanted to put on daddy's work shirt and he looked hilarious because it looked like a dress on him :)

Mother's Day 2010

I had a wonderful Mother's Day spending time with the kids. They did buy me some beautiful flowers! We had Matt's parents over for dinner and my mom and Brooke and Luke over for brunch. We played with the kids outside since the weather was so nice.

Mattie's Piano Recital

This was Mattie's first piano recital and she did a GREAT job. She didn't even seem nervous to get up in front of all of those strangers and play the piano! She had a lot of people show up and support her including Grandma Candy, Great Grandma Bryant, Great Grandma Charlene and Great Great Aunt Carolyn, Papa and Grandma Virginia, Great Grandma Constable and Uncle Justin and Lauren. Oh and of course Dad, Mom and Ry Ry. We are so proud of her :) :)
