Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Mattie's 8th Birthday Party

I can't believe it but Mattie turns 8 years old tomorrow!! She had her birthday party with her friends last night at The Playground for Kids in Ankeny along with her friend Madison who turned 8 yesterday. They had a blast :)

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Ryan's 3rd Birthday Party!!!

I can't believe Ryan is 3 years old! We had his birthday party last weekend and had a lot of family and friends over. His theme was Toy Story 3. He got a lot of new clothes, toys and books. We had some good laughs while Ryan tried on every outfit he opened :) I've never seen a child get so excited over clothes!!!

Monday, November 1, 2010


Last weekend was Beggar's Night so Matt and I took the kiddos trick-or-treating around our neighborhood. Madalynn and her good friend Madisyn were both Wonder Woman :) Ryan was Spiderman. Madalynn was such a good helper with Ry. Once he got the hang of it he would run to the next house screaming trick-or-treat and then most of the time remembered to say 'Thank-You' :) Matt took him home a little early since it was pretty chilly and I stayed out for the remainder of the time with Mattie and her friend. Her bucket of candy was overflowing by 8 p.m.!!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Mattie's Fall Party at School

Mattie had her first classroom party at school which was the Fall Party. I volunteered to be homeroom parent this year so I was pretty busy helping plan the activities for it. The kids seemed to have a great time!

Celebrating Matt's 29th Birthday!

We celebrated Matt's 29th Birthday last weekend! We had his parents and brother over for dessert.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Pumpkin Patch Fun

We took the kiddos to Howell's Pumpkin Patch today! The weather was gorgeous and it was just the perfect day to go. We met our friends Jimmy and Ashley there along with their two kids Madison and Mason. The kids had a lot of fun playing together. They especially liked the duck races, the giant slide and the corn maze.

Aunt B's Baby Shower

Last weekend we had a Baby Shower for my sister. We had it at my work in the cafeteria. A lot of our family and friends showed up and she got a lot of neat gifts! Our Aunt Belinda made her a really cute diaper cake and some diaper animals which we used as centerpieces.

Handsome Guys!!

We just attended Matt's cousin Mark's wedding where Matt was the Best Man and Ryan was a Ring Bearer. They both looked so handsome :)