Monday, December 14, 2009

Daddy's Big Helper!!

Ryan decided he wanted to help daddy shovel the sidewalk last was the cutest thing:) He refused to come inside until dad was finished. His poor cheeks were so cold and red when they finished.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Mattie Turns 7!!!

Mattie turned 7 on December 2nd...we can't believe it!! We had a small family Birthday party for her and then had her friends come over a little later. They made crafts for the majority of the party and then told ghost stories and ran around the house:) She got some great gifts including some new clothes, snow boots, pajamas, barbie dolls, learning laptop, password journal and a new desk. She really enjoys writing so we thought she could use a desk in her room.

Ryan's 2nd Birthday

Ryan had a wonderful Birthday party. We had a lot of friends and family show up. He got a lot of neat gifts. We bought him a tool bench which he absolutely loved!! We couldn't get him to stop playing with it to open the other gifts...bad idea to give him that gift first :) He was pretty shy when it was cake time...I don't think he liked everyone staring at him and singing.