Thursday, January 24, 2013

Continued - Mattie's 4th Grade Artwork

Mattie continues to amaze us with her artwork! Like I said, she definitely doesn't get this talent from me!!! :) Her school posts all of her artwork done in class to a website called 'Artsonia' and then we are alerted when a new one is posted. We can make comments and even order personalized things with her artwork on it - it is really cool!


Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Mattie's 10th Birthday

I always give the kids a choice of either getting a nice gift for their Birthday or having a nice party so Mattie of course chose a nice gift this year - a new iPod Touch. I felt bad she wasn't going to have a party so I told her she could have a friend or two spend the night and they could do crafts - well, that turned into having 7 girls stay over! She kept adding friends and said she couldn't have one and not the other. It went pretty well - I took them to see the Jolly Holiday Lights at Water Works Park and then to Michael's to pick out a couple crafts to do later in the night. We had a couple disagreements and a couple hurt feelings but overall it wasn't too bad. I told her next year she is only allowed to have 2 girls stay over - it's hard to keep that many girls happy! Ha We also had family over before her friends showed up!


Friday, January 11, 2013

Ryan's 5th Birthday

Ryan chose to have his 5th Birthday Party at The Playground for Kids in Ankeny this year - it was Batman Themed!! He invited several of his buddies from pre-school and of course family and friends. He thought it was really cool to see his friends outside of school ;) Can't believe he is already 5 years old though!

Ryan with his pre-school friends Callen and Van
Ry got matching Okoboji pants like his daddy!