Monday, June 25, 2012

Father's Day 2012

The kiddos wanted to take Matt mini golfing for Father's Day so we drove out to Toad Valley. It was definitely the popular thing to do that day! I was really surprsied how well the kids played. We also made him shrimp scampi for dinner and a cookie cake which he LOVES!

Pool Day with Ry and his Friend

I took Ry and his friend, Caden, to the Ankeny pool last week. We all had a really fun time and the weather was absolutely perfect for the three hours we were there! I think he was a little nervous to go down the slide but once he saw other kids his age going down it, he tried it out and LOVED it.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012


We had my sister, brother-in-law and Kobe over for dinner the other weekend. Kobe loves to explore our house. He peeks in every room and even trys to go downstairs. After dinner we took the kids outside and Kobe decided he wanted a ride in Ryan's escalade. He absolutely loved it and he looked hilarious riding in it because he put his arm up on the door like he was going joyriding!

Park Fun

I took the kids up to the park near our house the other weekend. They met up with some friends and decided they were going to try and skip rocks on the pond. There were several ducks that greeted us - I think they were looking for food!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Memorial Weekend In Boji

We went to Okoboji for Memorial weekend and had a wonderful time. We did the usual stuff, boating, fishing, playing in the sand and shopping! I think Mattie will be spending A LOT of time there this summer with Papa :)