Tuesday, March 29, 2011

More Pictures of Kobe Man!!!

We invited my mom and Luke, Brooke and Kobe over to finally have dinner for my Mom's Birthday. Mattie also had her friend Sophie over. Kobe slept for the majority of the time but we all got to hold him and snuggle him. We all think he is so stinkin cute :)

Mattie's Valentine Party at School

Mattie and her friend Sophie had a fun time creating Valentine Boxes at their class party. They ended getting so much candy! They also got to play a really cute game where one student would walk around the group blowing kisses and anyone who laughed had to leave the circle. They had some good laughs over it.

Nephew/Cousin Kobe

We were so excited for Kobe to finally arrive! What a day at the hospital that was...My mom and I had been up there since 7 a.m. and figured he would be born early afternoon but didn't come until around 7 p.m.!!! He is soooooo cute and we are so thankful he is healthy!

Christmas at the Constables

We had another fun year going over to Matt's parents house on Christmas Eve. Shawn made stuffed shells for dinner and Virginia always puts out yummy treats to snack on. Justin, Lauren and Estella and Nadine came over too. They had so many presents under their tree it was almost impossible to get around!!! We all got spoiled...we had to bring giant garbage bags home because of all the presents :)

Christmas with my Mom & Sis

We had my mom and Luke and Brooke over for Christmas this year. We usually have a brunch and then end up going over to my Grandpa and Grandma Bryants and then my Grandma Charlene's house. We had a lot of fun.....and a lot of laughs.

Mattie's Holiday Party at School

Since I am the classroom parent for Mattie's class I had to help plan the Holiday Party! The kids made foam ornaments, decorated cookies and played a game. It is so much fun hanging out with Mattie and her classmates :)

Christmas Get Together

Every year we get together with some of our family and friends (Eric, Mindy, Luke, Brooke, Justin and Morgan) for dinner around the Holidays. This year we had the dinner at our house and unfortunately had really bad weather so the majority of everyone couldn't make it. We still had a really fun time with Eric, Mindy and Lauren. The kids have a blast together!! They chase each other and then force me to play 'Monster' with them. Basically, I have to wrestle them :) We have been doing this for three to four years now and I just love this tradition!!