Thursday, December 22, 2011

Skinner Christmas

The annual Skinner Christmas was held this past weekend at Capital Hill Christian Church. The majority of the family was able to make it and it was great seeing everyone!

The kids had so much fun playing together! Mattie got the junior edition of Apples to Apples card game and Ryan got a new CandyLand board game so some of the kids joined in and they played very well togother. After we ate lunch the kids were even able to go play outside on the swingset - how often can you say that in mid December in Iowa?!! 

Annual Christmas Get Together with Friends and Family!

We held our annual friends/family Christmas get together at Eric and Mindy's house this year. Mindy made enchiladas, rice and cheese dip and it was soooo good!!! I brought a Brownie Trifle with was pretty tasty too.

The kids had a lot of fun playing and exchanging gifts :) Mattie got a pretty peace sign necklace from Lo Lo and Ryan got a neat truck set from Holden. It seemed like every 5 minutes one of the kiddos would come up and tattle about something :)!!! They are so funny!!

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Mattie's Birthday Get Together with Friends

Mattie couldn't make up her mind about what she wanted to do for her birthday with friends so she decided to just invite a couple friends to go to get their nails done, do a little shopping at the mall and then go to dinner. They also spent the night!

I took the girls to Los Cabos in West Glen to eat dinner and we met my sister and Lauren there too! We happened to run in to my friend Leah as well AND my cousin Elisa. I ordered the girls an alcohol-free Daiquiri which they thought was pretty cool ;) The waiters sang to Mattie and some of them started banging on the top of sombrero. It was hilarious!!!!

Mattie's Birthday Party with the Family

We had the immediate family over to celebrate Mattie's 9th Birthday! I can't even believe she is that old already!!! It seriously feels like she should only be about three years old :) We had pizza and a cookie cake! yum!

She got a lot of very nice things - A couple new tops, some new slip on shoes, a new vest with fur around the collar, money, Orbeez Magic kits, a purse that she was able to color, boots and the DSi that she wanted :)


We had Thanksgiving at our house again this year with my sister, Luke, Kobe, Justin, Lauren and my mom. The food was excellent and of course we all ate way too much :) The kids had fun playing with Kobe. He got ahold of the Black Friday Ads and would not let them go - literally!! It was so nice out that we were able to go outside and go on a walk.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Ryan's 4th Birthday Party!!!

We had the family over this past Sunday to celebrate Ryan's 4th Birthday. Ryan was very excited for his party and asked all day long when everyone was coming over :) He got some very nice gifts - nice clothes, a new hat/mittens, shoes, cars, books, a Leapster Leappad AND a new toothbrush! The only thing Ryan said he wanted for his birthday this year was a new toothbrush??!!! He even opened it up and started brushing his teeth :)

Matt and I decided to give him his Toy Story scooter on Sunday instead of waiting until his actual birthday. We told him he had to close his eyes while Mattie went to get it and when he saw it he thought it was the neatest thing. He cruised around the house for a bit and even took it outside!

Monday, October 31, 2011

Halloween 2011

The kids had a great time trick-or-treating last night! Mattie dressed up as a Leopard and Ryan was 'Dash' from 'The Incredibles' movie :) They were so cute! Ryan was definitely not shy this year and always seemed to be the first one up to the door out of the kids. He would yell 'Trick or Treat' as soon as the person opened the door and would occasionally say 'Sand-witch', which was part of Mattie's joke. Lol

Mattie told her joke most of the time which everyone thought was pretty cute :) They were surprised that she actually told one since most kids don't tell jokes anymore. Ryan went home a little early with Matt so I stayed out for awhile with Mattie and her friend. When we got home Mattie counted her candy and said she had 179 pieces! That better last a LONG time.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Matt's 30th Surprise Party!!

We celebrated Matt's 30th Birthday by throwing him a surprise party at Azteca Restaurant in Pleasant Hill this past weekend. He went golfing with his dad and brother all day so they brought him to the restaurant when they finished. When he walked in he only saw the kids and I but as he got closer everyone yelled 'Surprise'...he was so shocked :) After dinner Matt's parents took the kids to their house so Matt and I went downtown with our friends. We had a fun time!!!!