Sunday, February 28, 2010

Aunt B's House

We went over to Luke and Brooke's house over the weekend so Matt could fix their floor and so the kids could see them. Mattie ended up staying the night with them. She talked Uncle Luke into going to the Mall and buying her a couple of things. And then of course she talked them into buying her a caramel frap from Starbucks the next morning :)

SuperBowl Sunday

We had a fun time on SuperBowl Sunday going out to Coach's Pizza in West Glen. We hung out with Brooke and Luke, Kane and Abby and Justin and Lauren. We left at half time to pick the kiddos up from Matt's parents house and go to Eric and Mindy's party. Mattie and Ryan had fun playing with all the other kids. Ryan kept giving Aubrey hugs and it was really cute. Mattie played with Lauren most of the time.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Grandma Bryant's Birthday

We had my mom over for her Birthday and I made some enchiladas. The kids had fun with her. Aunt B ended up taking both kids home with her for the night which was nice for me and Matt to have a break!!