Saturday, January 16, 2010

Big Boy Ryan

Ryan is now sleeping in a big boy toddler bed. He is doing really well transitioning from the crib to a bed. The other night I was giving Mattie a bath after I tucked Ryan into bed and as I am walking out of the bathroom I see Ryan just sitting on the couch:) He does seem to wonder out of his bedroom a lot but I just tell him to get right back into bed and he runs back.

Miscellaneous Pictures

I thought I would post some cute pictures of the kids. Matt and I got a new camera for Christmas from Luke and Brooke and my mom so I have been taking tons of pictures.

Ryan dressed up as a Girl

I was in the kitchen and all of a sudden I hear Mattie just cracking up in the living room and Ryan is laughing right along with her (that's just what he does)so I come out of the kitchen and see Ryan dressed up in Matti's night gowns and pajamas. It was the funniest thing...Of course I had to grab my camera!!

Happy New Year!!

We had a quiet but fun New Year's Eve at home this year. We had Eric, Mindy and Lauren over and Mattie had her friend Madisyn over. We ate dinner and played with the kids. Ryan and Lauren had fun following Mattie and Madisyn all over. They liked hiding in Ryan's closet and then yelling our names to come and find them :)

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Christmas 2009

We had a great time over the holidays...especially since Matt was home for half the day on Christmas Eve and all day on Christmas Day!! We had my mom and Luke and Brooke over for Christmas Eve morning, then stopped my Grandpa and Grandma Bryant's that afternoon and finally went to Matt's parents house that night. We didn't have anything to do on Christmas day except let the kiddos open presents and play with them all day :) We also had a Christmas over at Matt's Uncles house for the Constables. We had so much fun spending time with the family and watching the excitement on Mattie and Ryan's face!! I think Mattie's favorite gift from us was her ipod shuffle and Ryan's had to be his 4-wheeler.