Friday, December 28, 2007

Madalynn's 5th Birthday

This is Matti at her 5th Birthday Party with family and friends. She had a Tinkerbell theme. We can't believe she is already five years old. She got lots of fun presents.

Ryan's First Thanksgiving

Here is the 'Buggy Boy'(That is mommy's nickname for Ryan) wearing his little turkey shirt for Thanksgiving. We had Brooke, Luke and Justin over. You would have thought Ryan ate lots of turkey the way he was sleeping:)

Monday, November 19, 2007

Big Sister Matti

Matti has been such a great big sister. She helps change Ryan everytime he needs changed and sings to him when he is fussy. She loves to hold him. She tells him how cute he is everyday.

Ryan Finally Arrives

Ryan finally arrived on Friday, November 9th at 1:37 p.m. weighing 7 lbs. 12 oz. and measuring 19 1/2 inches long. We came home from the hospital on Sunday. He is such a good baby!

The Nursery

Here are some pictures of the nursery. It is done in Little Blue Fishies. It is just the perfect size room for Baby Ryan. Matti likes to think it's her play room for dolls:)

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Grandma Maginia's Birthday

Here is Matti helping grandma blow out her birthday candles. She sure had fun helping grandma eat the cake too:)

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Halloween 2007

Here is Madalynn in her Dancing Dora Dress. This was her first time going trick-or-treating so she was a little shy. She only went to about five houses and called it quits.

Friday, October 12, 2007

Ryan's Baby Showers

Needless to say....Ryan is already very spoiled and has not even arrived yet! We are all very anxious to meet him. Here are some pictures of the showers that Friends and Family have thrown for Baby Ryan. My sister Brooke held the first shower, Luci Collins from Church held the the second one and Jodi Taylor and other co-workers held the third shower for him. Hope you all enjoy the pics and I will get some pictures of the nursery up as soon as I can:)